Finding Place through Art and Science: The Field Journals of Lyn Baldwin — Discover

“In an increasingly disconnected and attention-deficient world, sketching the veins on a leaf or the mountains out the living room window can help ground us in place and time…” Isaac Yuen explores the work of field ecologist Lyn Baldwin.

via Finding Place through Art and Science: The Field Journals of Lyn Baldwin — Discover

Would Money For Nothing Make Us Happy and Free? | Michael Gibson

Many proponents, particularly the futurists, make erroneous assumptions about what makes people happy. The truth is many people prefer work to leisure, even if they have money. They don’t want to be well kept house cats or children on generous allowances. Replacing meaningful work with checks for all will bore a gaping hole where many find purpose and have fun.

Source: Would Money For Nothing Make Us Happy and Free? | Michael Gibson